Welcome to the Inflata Nation Christmas gift guide, which is subtly different from all the other gift guides you will be bombarded with at this time of year.
How so, you ask? Well, we won’t be recommending a seductive perfume or aftershave. We won’t be running through the season’s trendiest toys. We won’t be pontificating on the perfect gifts for grandma.
Let’s be straight right from the off. We humbly suggest that, this year, you give someone the gift of fun, in the form of an Inflata Nation gift voucher, family pass, or passport.
An entire inflatable theme park for Christmas!
But why, you cry, when there are such great offers on slippers around at the moment? Dressing gowns are coming down (in price). Socks are just so perfectly practical.
The answer is that, if you know someone who loves to bounce around an entire arena of inflatable activities, you just can’t go wrong with an Inflata Nation pass or voucher.
Inflata Nation is a theme park full of joyful active experiences. And lots of research suggests that spending money on experiences, rather than just more stuff, makes you happier. A session at Inflata Nation is certainly the sort of experience that makes people happier, because all that running, climbing, sliding and laughing floods our systems with happy hormones.
Inflatable fun - for less
If you choose a Family Pass or Inflata Nation Passport, the good news is that you’ll make a serious saving on standard prices.
Our Family Pass is specifically designed for cost-effective family fun, while our Inflata Nation Passport gives cheaper entrance for either six or 12 bouncing sessions.

Our eGift and Gift vouchers do pretty much what they say on the tin, and are available in denominations of £5, £10 and £20 (or multiples of those amounts). The only real difference is whether you want them via email or Royal Mail, and we can of course send Gift vouchers (in a fancy wallet!) to any address you choose. There is a small charge for postage, or you can collect them from an Inflata Nation arena of your choice.
In every case, you’ll be investing in some serious fun, while giving a gift of (scientifically verified) happiness to your nearest and dearest.
And the really good news? All our Inflata Nation arenas are open over the entire Christmas period, except for Christmas Day. So your loved ones can enjoy the gift of fun and play straight away.