First things first, we’d like to wish all our customers a very merry Christmas. We hope you’re having a wonderful time. We’d advise you not to eat and drink too much, but you’d only ignore us. And quite right too.
If you have overindulged at Christmas, and even if you haven’t, the good news is that - with the single exception of 25 December - our Inflata Nation inflatable theme parks are open throughout the holidays, including Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day (scroll down for a full reminder of our Xmas opening times).
What better way to work up a sweat, work off some Christmas calories, and have lots of fun?
But burning off the Xmas pud isn’t the only reason to visit your nearest Inflata Nation arena over the holidays. Here are a few more…
Get up, get out, feel good
It’s tempting to spend a large part of the Christmas holidays in the house. The weather outside may be a trifle inclement (or utterly filthy). There’s entertainment on tap (and who doesn’t want to watch It’s a Wonderful Life for the 14th time?). That last slice of Yule Log won’t eat itself (and it would be such a shame to waste it).
But despite these temptations, staying in and slobbing out can make us feel sluggish, tired and even a little bit irritable. We’re human beings after all, made for movement!
So quite simply, a trip to Inflata Nation will put a bit of life back into your Christmas holidays. It will get blood and muscles pumping, and soon blow away the cobwebs that prolonged inactivity can bring.
Bounce away the Xmas blues
The days after Christmas can get a bit dreary if you let them. The main event is over. The inexorable march to a long, cold and economical January has begun.
A session at Inflata Nation will soon banish those post-Christmas blues. The mix of action, adventure and hilarity provided by the likes of Inflata Bubbles, Inflata Race and Inflata Duel (to name just three) will fill bodies with life and brains with the joy of living. Exercise is a proven mood improver. Inflata Nation is exercise with an extra shot of pure joy.

Separate screens and children
Many children will have received new phones, tablets, consoles or video games for Christmas, which means you may well have had a holiday dominated by screens.
That’s great. Video games are lots of fun. YouTube can be hilarious. We’re not against screen-based entertainment in any way (as our binge watching box set habit will testify).
At the same time, it’s not good for anyone to be stuck in front of a screen all the time. Sometimes kids could do with a reminder that there’s even more fun to be had doing the running, jumping and climbing themselves than making a pixelated character do it.
An hour or two at an Inflata Nation inflatable theme park is the perfect way to hammer the message home. Get them bouncing and the kids will soon forget about their screens.
Our inflatable arena is weather proof
It may be cold, dark and rainy, but that can’t spoil the fun at Inflata Nation. Our indoor arena is open whatever the weather.
That makes it a great way to ensure the kids (and yourselves) enjoy some healthy activity during the holidays and throughout the gloomy winter months. To make that more cost-effective, why not invest in an Inflata Nation Passport, which bulk buys bouncing sessions in advance for a considerable saving over the usual cost. It gives your family all the benefits of regular, intense and joyful exercise for less.
All in all, Inflata Nation is a great way to spend time over the rest of Christmas and New Year. Here’s a reminder of our opening times during the holiday season.
21st Dec - 2nd Jan (10am - 9pm) (10am - 9pm weekends)
25th Dec (Closed)
26th Dec (10am - 6pm)
24th Dec - 9th Jan (10am - 9pm) (10am - 9pm weekends)
25th Dec (Closed)
26th Dec (10am - 6pm)
24th Dec - 7th Jan (10am - 9pm) (10am - 9pm weekends)
25th Dec (Closed)
26th Dec (10am - 6pm)
24th Dec - 7th Jan (10am - 9pm) (10am - 9pm weekends)
25th Dec (Closed)
26th Dec (10am - 6pm)
*These times don’t include 9am disability friendly sessions every Saturday.