Re-opening from 17th May
We are closely following the governments’ advice as published on 22 Feb 2021 and are hopeful that as per Step 3, we will be able to start to re-open our indoor inflatable parks from the 17th May.
Dates for re-opening Inflata Nation parks are provided below.
You can pre-book your visit online via our website, please be aware that as opening times may vary from one venue to another, we kindly ask that you check the booking panel for available sessions at your chosen Inflata Nation venue.
Opening dates
Monday 17th May: Huddersfield and West Bromwich
Wednesday 19th May: Birmingham
Friday 21st May: Newcastle and Peterborough
Saturday 22nd May: Manchester, Beverley and Cheshire (Runcorn)
To be confirmed: Glasgow

Please note: Extra health and safety measures will be in place and we ask all customers to adhere to these during their visit and ensure they practice social distancing guidelines. Thank you for your support, understanding and co-operation and we look forward to welcoming you back to Inflata Nation soon, in the meantime stay safe and well.
2021-05-07T19:53:14.0000000+00:00 Published by Inflata Nation on May 7, 2021 at 7:53 PM
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